Our comprehensive risk screening during our booking process may indicate you are required to attend our pre-anaesthetic clinic, before being admitted to Western Gastroenterology Services. At our pre-anaesthetic clinic, our highly qualified Anaesthetists will complete a thorough assessment of your health and your current and past medical history to ensure you are medically fit to undergo your procedure. You will also be given information about what to expect up to and following your procedure. The appointment can take 30-45mins and it is a good idea to bring a family member or friend with you to your appointment for support as you are receiving a lot of information.
What to bring?
- All the list of your current medications
- Medicare card and any concession card or private health fund
- Your appointment letter and referral letter (if provided)
- Any previous investigations, X-rays, letters from Specialist Doctors that relate to your current problem
- Refreshments and something to drink while you wait