Patient Rights:
- To receive quality health care from appropriately qualified and experienced staff and to receive continuity of care when attending Western Gastroenterology Services.
- To receive health care that does not discriminate, particularly on the basis of race, religion, gender, health insurance status, mental status, socioeconomic background or age.
- To obtain complete and current information on your care and treatment in a language that you understand.
- To receive consideration of special dietary needs
- To receive information about choices and options for your care and treatment including advantages, disadvantages, risks, benefits and alternatives to these treatments.
- To be given adequate opportunity to have any information clarified or any questions answered
- To be treated with courtesy and respect and have your privacy and cultural background respected by staff as well as having access to an interpreter if required.
- To expect that a safe and secure environment is maintained whilst receiving the services, including physical and emotional support.
- To be secure in the knowledge that information concerning your condition and care is treated as confidential and only used by staff who is involved in your care, unless you direct us otherwise.
- To have your health care discussed where others could not overhear it.
- To be given the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting your health care, where relevant.
- To know the identity and professional status of all attending Western Gastroenterology Services and to refuse the presence of other people during the delivery of the treatment.
- To expect staff to routinely introduce themselves to you.
- To seek a second opinion on your condition or treatment / care plan.
- Where applicable, to know in advance the charges for the services provided to you.
- To give your informed consent before the services are provided; to refuse the care or treatment options provided to you by the staff, after being fully informed of the consequences of that decision.
- To discuss any concerns, questions, provide feedback or make complaints about issues related to the services provided to you, the processes involved with the service provision and any treatment undergone at Western Gastroenterology Services
- To continue to receive appropriate alternative care if any decision to refuse treatment is made.
- To expect that expert/professional decisions to be made on your behalf and in your best interest after discussion with next of kin, partner, carer, guardian or medical agent, should you be unable to speak.
Patients Responsibilities
- To participate and cooperate with an agreed treatment and care program or inform staff of your intention not to comply.
- To be considerate of staff and other patients, treating them with courtesy and respect.
- To provide the relevant information about your health, to assist the staff involved in your care, including the possibility of infectious diseases.
- To inform staff if you are covered by any special benefits/ schemes.
- To contribute to a safe and comfortable environment in relation to noise, alcohol, smoking and illicit drugs.
- Consider your ability to meet your financial obligations to pay any accounts and fees for which you are responsible.
To advise Western Gastroenterology Services if you are unable to keep an appointment within at least 24 hours’ notice.
Reference: The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights in Victoria-Department of Health 2010.
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